Policy lens

RUSTICA and the EU Common Agricultural Policy

The EU Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) builds the overarching political and legal frameworks for agriculture and the rural sector in the EU Member States since the late 1950s.

RUSTICA perspective on EU Strategies

The technical validation, demonstration and implementation of bio-based fertilisers and soil improvers based on redundant leftovers from the agro-food value chain of the RUSTICA project and its impact perspective will significantly be determined by European Policy.

RUSTICA and Product Standards

The RUSTICA project awaits a wide range of new bio-based fertiliser components and expects a series of blends developed therefrom. In this regard, the question arise how a potential market could be entered by novel and promising innovations?

Analysis of national and regional legislative frameworks

The RUSTICA project explores and demonstrates a variety of products for a tailored plant nutrition and enhanced soil fertility. Five test cases are defined of which four are located in the EU and one in Colombia.

Legal aspects of bio-based Feedstocks

RUSTICA strives for valorisation of leftovers from the agri-food chain by transforming these bio-based resources into high-value products for plant nutrition and soil enhancement.

Systemic evaluation of political and legal environment

The RUSTICA concept involves an array of activities geared towards accomplishing its central objective:

“To foster the technical validation, demonstration, and implementation of bio-based fertiliser and soil improvement production techniques focusing on waste from the fruit and vegetable agro-food system to close nutrient cycles at a regional level” and its nine specific objectives.

RUSTICA in the context of natural renewable resources

Currently, the international and European economy is mainly based on resources of fossil origin. These resources are subject to debate not only because of their finiteness but also with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.



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