Summary on the list¹ of European research projects with view on publicly available legislation and policy analyses (update)

Author: Adelheid Wiedemann

  1. Background

Political and legal frameworks are certainly among the most important factors as regards the perspectives of exploitation and impact of the RUSTICA project. In this respect, detailed studies on legislation and policy are undertaken at the EU and national/regional level since the beginning of the project not only to gain knowledge and share experience within the consortium but also to promote expertise and results to public audiences. At the same time, achieving synergies with other European projects and avoiding intersections/double work is targeted. To this end, a wide range of European projects (>100) was screened on availability of published legal deliverables directly relevant or more indirectly affecting RUSTICA value chains.

  1. Scope

With view on the comprehensive subjects covered by the RUSTICA project, the list of selected projects and their already published or announced legal/political work or reports focuses on market policies and awareness, waste, agriculture, bio-based products inclusive -agrochemicals, and -fertilisers, as well as the entire food- and feed chains. However, projects specifically addressing bio-based plastics, biofuels, construction, textiles, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, packaging, or the forestry/wood sector were not prioritised within the preparation of this document.

The projects and their legal publications encompassed by the inventory below were mainly identified from EIP AGRI Network2 (now EU CAP3 Network), the Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE)4  and CORDIS results5 while specific clusters like Biorefine6 were considered as well.  Prior to the compilation of data presented here, a first collation of EU projects analysed on availability of published legal/political reporting was already made by Wiedemann GmbH quite at the beginning of RUSTICA in 2021. To date, the project list comprises reports/deliverables from Horizon Europe, Horizon 2020, and FP7. Moreover, a set of Interreg Projects dealing with legal issues is included in the data list. Projects of the first list (2021) which were completed before 2020 and where no published legal work could be detected thus far, are no more part of the new catalogue.

  1. “Related Projects”

At the moment, eleven “related projects” are presented on the RUSTICA website. These projects are underlined in the Table below. Hitherto, as shown in Figure 1, four of them have already published deliverables/reports on legal and/or political aspects.

Figure 1: RUSTICA and related projects (green background = legal/political deliverables are already publicly available)
Figure 1: RUSTICA and related projects (green background = legal/political deliverables are already publicly available)
  1. Results

As already mentioned above, the reviewed projects and their reports present a broad spectrum of legal and political areas including but not limited to waste, agriculture, food and feed, chemicals and an array of bio-based products, such as fertilisers. Whereas a general overview can be given and some subjects in common of all bio-based products can be broadly addressed by an analysis, very distinctive legal rules often apply for each resource, processing, output, final product and application of a specific project involving revolutionary value chains, such as those of RUSTICA.

Hence, results working for one project may not simply be transferred to others dealing with similar issues, and in order to define the exact legal drivers and barriers, a separate and precise analysis is needed if concepts and novel products are under research and development as it applies to RUSTICA.

  1. Further Information

If you are interested in further details or the document containing the entire list of projects prepared, please send an enquiry to Adelheid Wiedemann:

[1] Non-exhaustive


[3] CAP = Common Agricultural Policy




Disclaimer: The views presented in this publication RUSTICA – Analysis of national and regional legislative frameworks are solely an opinion of the author. The author and the RUSTICA consortium members do not accept any liability for direct or indirect consequences, losses or damages resulting from the use of this publication, its content or parts of it. This document is exclusively prepared for general information purposes and represents in no kind a legal or any other advice.



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