
About RUSTICA Project

Vlaams – Nederlands

RUSTICA technologies

RUSTICA’s circularity approach at CIAT Palmira Campus: Field trial with Black Soldier Fly
Vlaams – Nederlands
El enfoque circular de RUSTICA en el campus de Palmira del CIAT: Ensayo de campo con mosca soldado negra
Benefits of Compost and Biochar

Meet the RUSTICA partners

EV ILVO and its role in RUSTICA
UGENT and its role in RUSTICA – Leonardo Gutierrez
TNO and its role in RUSTICA
UGENT and its role in RUSTICA – Francis Kotoka

RUSTICA webinars

From organic waste to bio-based fertilisers

If you only want to see specific explanations of certain technologies, please navigate to the following minutes in the video:

  • Introduction : at 1min
  • CAP solution – DRANCO presentation : at 13 min
  • Microbial biomass – AVECOM presentation : at 26 min
  • Electrodialysis – University of Ghent presentation : at 38 min
  • Insect production – ENTOMO presentation : at 1h25 min
  • Biochar – TNO presentation : at 2h1min45 s
Biochar & Energy co-production by gasification

Online session between our partner TNO and French stakeholders to discuss about the potential of biochar to be used as an ingredient for bio-based fertilizers.

RUSTICA: Fertilisants biosourcés (Français)

RUSTICA Final Conference

RUSTICA project Final Conference

Recap from the RUSTICA Final Conference, featuring RUSTICA partners and stakeholders, including representatives from the European Commission and FAO.

Interview with KU Leuven

Tessa Avermaete from KU Leuven discusses the diversity and multi-actor approach of RUSTICA, highlighting the crucial role of stakeholders in shaping a sustainable bio-based future for Europe.

Interview with UGENT

Leo Gutierrez from UGENT, Belgium, highlights the importance of waste treatment and circularity in reducing reliance on fossil fuel-based products.

Interview with SUEZ Group

Dominique Helaine, Carbon Solution Director at SUEZ Group, discusses waste and carbon solutions, addressing key sector challenges such as standardization, replicability, scaling up, and market adoption through education.

Interview with FAO

Mohamed Eida from FAO UN (Plant Nutrition) discusses the challenges of fertilizer accessibility in certain regions, the potential of organic-based fertilizers to create jobs and new markets, and the importance of regulatory standardization, capacity building, and effective dissemination.

Interview with European Commission

Benjamin Van Doorslaer from the European Commission (DG AGRI, Unit Research and Innovation), highlights the role of the bioeconomy and RUSTICA’s contribution to climate, environment, and EU food sovereignty through its circular approach and market-ready business models for bio-based fertilizers.

Interview with ILVO

Fien Amery from ILVO highlights the benefits and impact of nutrient recycling and RUSTICA’s circular approach.

Interview with CIAT

Guillermo Peña Chipatecua from CIAT, Colombia, highlights the need for better communication on the benefits of organic vs. synthetic fertilizers, the importance of local government support for domestic fertilizer production to reduce reliance on imports, and the competitive advantage of lowering carbon emissions.

Interview with Particula Group

Dominik Jasinski from Particula Group, Croatia, discusses the environmental, economic, and social impact assessment of the project, as well as market development activities focused on ensuring affordability for farmers and acceptance by regional stakeholders.



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