Rustica meets german bioeconomy

A broad spectrum of activities and progress of the Bioeconomy in Germany was presented by high-level experts on the seminar “Industrielle Bioeconomy”, thereby focusing on resource efficient production concepts which will not only be a competitive advantage but also a factor of reliable supply chains in the future.

Poster Presentation to Industrielle Bioökonomie – Seminar at Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Bodensee-Oberschwaben, Lindenstraße 2, 88250 Weingarten, Germany, at 09.03.2023

Rustica meets german bioeconomy

The professional audience encompassing 30 participants from policy, science, industry and consultancy has been informed inter alia on the German Bioeconomy Council of the Federal Government, as well as bioeconomy in the context of circularity, energy demand and climate change. Furthermore, the bio-based and biodegradable packaging sector, the enormous potential of microalgae, and recent developments in urban and rural areas were highlighted by the speakers.

Since the RUSTICA project is a model par excellence for closed nutrient cycles and the circular bioeconomy, a poster and leaflets were shown by partner WIEDEMANN GMBH on the event. Starting from leftovers of the agri-food chain, the project comprises research on a multitude of technologies and products to address optimal fertilisers and ideal soil composition. Moreover, the project will be validated on its potential to create regional value chains in the EU and worldwide.

Rustica meets german bioeconomy

Adelheid Wiedemann



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