Regional workshop on sustainable agriculture and business models in Valle de Cauca, Colombia

In a collaborative effort aimed at fostering sustainable agricultural practices, a regional workshop brought together key stakeholders from various sectors including food industry, agro-inputs companies, research centers, and environmental services. The event, held in Valle de Cauca on 2nd December, saw the participation of 12 individuals representing diverse entities.

The workshop kicked off with an engaging ice-breaker activity, during which participants enthusiastically shared insights into their ongoing project-related activities. Discussions ranged from recent developments in blends to progress updates on pilot plants and Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA).

A key session revolved around unraveling the essence of a business model, where participants shared insights recorded on the CANVAS model. Exercises ensued, with attendees meticulously scrutinizing two proposed business models for the region. Building upon the exercise, groups identified and validated stress factors impacting the proposed business models, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of potential challenges and opportunities.

The culmination of the workshop involved the presentation of results from the exercises, encouraging further reflection and discussion among participants. Additionally, participants had the opportunity to visit a Circular Economy Platform, where they gained firsthand insights into innovative practices such as biogas production and insect cultivation. A guided tour of the “Future Seeds” seed bank was conducted, during which regional legal summaries were disseminated, emphasizing the crucial role of regulatory frameworks in promoting sustainable agriculture.

As the workshop concluded, stakeholders departed with enriched perspectives, having critically analysed and contributed to the development of alternative business models tailored to Valle del Cauca’s unique characteristics.

Regional workshop on sustainable agriculture and business models in Valle de Cauca, Colombia


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