Flanders hosts 4th stakeholder workshop on sustainable agriculture

Stakeholders gathered in Flanders for the 4th Stakeholder Workshop in May 2023 as part of the ongoing Rustica project, aiming to promote sustainable agricultural practices. The three-day event saw active participation from key industry players.

The workshop commenced with project updates from the team, focusing on pilot sites, blends, and business models. A networking session allowed participants to exchange insights and ideas, emphasizing collaboration’s importance in driving innovation.

Industry experts delivered stakeholder pitches, offering valuable perspectives on the current state and future prospects of sustainable agriculture. The day concluded with an overview of the agenda for the following day and arrangements for a social dinner, fostering camaraderie among participants.

Day two included pilot site visits, providing firsthand insights into ongoing initiatives. Presentations on real regional business cases and interactive business model scenarios enriched discussions, highlighting the need for diverse stakeholder engagement.

A brainstorming session on the Rustica project’s future trajectory stimulated dialogue on sustainability and collaboration, setting the stage for future endeavors. The workshop concluded with a visit to PCG, offering insights into regulatory frameworks in Flanders. A final round table discussion allowed participants to share reflections and insights gathered throughout the workshop.

Flanders hosts 4th stakeholder workshop on sustainable agriculture


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