The RUSTICA Final Conference: “From research to practice: implementing circular bio-based fertilisers” will mark the closure of the project and the commencement of the dissemination and exploitation of results.
To attend the online live stream of the RUSTICA Final Conference, join the link below:
Zoom Link: Join Here
Meeting ID: 846 1364 5128
Password: 749016
Interested in attending the RUSTICA Final Conference?
Register below:
09:00 Registration
09:15 Welcome
Prof Liesbet Vranken, KU Leuven (BE)
RUSTICA in a nutshell – technological and market challenges
09:25 RUSTICA technologies
Nathan Deman, DRANCO (BE) & Daan Kuiper, CROPEYE (NL)
Overview of the RUSTICA technologies – focus on results
10:10 RUSTICA market development
Dominik Jasinski, Particula (HR) & Erika De Keyser, KU Leuven (BE)
Overview of market development – focus on results
10:40 Coffee break
Exhibition visit
11 :10 The RUSTICA perspective: political and legal aspects of bio-based fertilisers
Adelheid Wiedemann, WIEDEMANN (DE)
11:30 Embracing regional diversity: European RUSTICA regions
Hanne Cooreman & Fien Amery, EV ILVO (BE)
Federica Cisilino & Claudio Mondini CREA (IT)
Céline Marjolet, CRAPDL (FR)
Guadalupe Lopez, TECNOVA (ES)
The four European regions at a glance, learnings from regional stakeholders, field trial results
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Panel debate on the key outcomes of the RUSTICA project
Fien Amery, EV ILVO (BE)
Daan Kuiper, CROPEYE (NL)
Dominik Jasinski, Particula (HR)
Moderation: Tessa Avermaete, KU Leuven (BE)
14:30 Reflections from dialogue with DG AGRI
Benjamin Van Doorslaer, DG AGRI
14:45 Q&A
15:00 International perspective: case of Valle del Cauca
Mirjam Pulleman & Guillermo Pena Chipatecua, CIAT (CO)
Followed by FAO perspective on bio-based fertilisers – Mohamed Eida, FAO
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Stakeholder reflection debate on opportunities
Bram Van Hecke, Kabinet Jo Brouns (BE)
(tbc) Omar Zidarich, GITC (IT)
Filip Velghe, Mirom Roeselare (BE)
Dominique Helaine & Leila Bourdier, Suez (FR)
17:00 Closing of the conference