Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture des Pays de la Loire

Chambre Régionale d’Agriculture des Pays de la Loire

The French Chambers of Agriculture work at grass-roots level with farmers, farming workers, foresters and local authorities in the interests of the agriculture sector.

The main field of activity for the Chambers of agriculture are :

  • Support of innovative farming practices through farmer groups, individual and collective support, and experimental farms.
  • Training of farmers and advisors.
  • Involvement in regional, national and international R&D project with a key attention to bring back technological and management innovation to farmer.
  • Diagnosis and consulting for farms in difficulty, creating and establishing new businesses, business consulting and development, legal and asset management for farms, corporate strategy for agricultural engineering farm buildings.

They are a key player in the economic development of rural areas, helping to develop organic farming, to promote and add value to local supply chains, farm products, catering industry, and developing products with official quality labels or indications.

Marjolet Celine

I’m working for 1.5 years as a circular economy advisor for the Chamber of Agriculture of Pays de la Loire in the West of France. I‘m specifically in charge of 1-reducing food waste of catering restaurants, 2- finding solutions for food valorisation of unsold fruits and vegetables of producers and cooperatives to reduce their waste(participation in the European Interreg project Food Heroes) 3- the development of partnerships between companies which work in the same areas to reduce their consumption of resources and to allow local activities (industrial and territorial ecology). Before, I was Quality Security and Environnement manager in two different slaughterhouses.

Marjolet Celine

Laura Perez

Laura Perez – Chambre d’Agriculture des Pays de la Loire, FRANCE
Innovation, Research & Development service
MSc in Environmental sciences. Project manager on sustainable development for over 7 years at international scale (Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe), working on good practices in food & agriculture, tourism, biodiversity and Climate Change adaptation. At the Chamber of Agriculture in western french region of Pays de la Loire, I take care of european partnerships and funding for innovation projects.
In RUSTICA I will be working mostly as contact person for the administrative and financial side and the reporting in WP 1, representing CRAPDL and our pilot zone in meetings as needed, and also in WP 8 (communication and dissemination).

Laura Perez



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