Since global environmental issues proliferated the mainstream public discourse, there have been plenty of incredible innovative inventions and technological solutions that changed the way we live now. From useful tech gadgets to lab-made food, researchers and scientists have been coming up with solutions to everyday problems. But one of the issues that every country in the world is facing today is waste. But let us focus on organic waste for now.

The RUSTICA project is part of a solution to transforming waste from fruit and vegetable into bio-based fertilisers. The result derived from the project would be beneficial to the environment and contribute to a circular economy. The project partners and its stakeholders are committed to producing viable and useful results for this 4-year EU-funded project. We are excited to share with you how essential this project is for our food and feed.

What are some of the targeted goals we have set ourselves?

     >  To reach the broader public about the benefits of bio-based fertiliser, circular economy, organic waste, and soil improvement

     >  To build strong interest in the project and its technology and how to best tackle environmental issues

     >  To highlight how the technology will be beneficial to the environment

How do we get the public to be interested in the project?

This type of project is sometimes hard to communicate to the general public because of its technical nature. But that’s a big challenge that we are willing to tackle head-on! The project is basically about turning organic waste, mainly fruits & vegetables, into bio-based fertilisers. We are still in the early stage of this research project, but we would like the public to understand that this project is an innovative solution to the waste problem.

We plan to…

     >  Host workshops to interested stakeholders,

     >  Invite policymakers and EU institution officials to events, meetings, and conferences,

     >  Organize webinars and in-person events with our scientists and researchers,

     >  Produce fun and educational videos about our work,

     >  Create informative marketing materials,

     >  Post exciting social media content to keep you up to date on our work!

How do you get involved?

There are several ways to get involved, but the best way is to participate in planned workshops in your region. You will need to register at where you will automatically be registered to receive project newsletters. However, to participate in workshops, the knowledge broker of your region will contact you directly. The ‘Get Involved!’ page is also available in Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish.

The project consortium is comprised of incredible and talented researchers, scientists, consultants, and business-minded people to help the project reach its goals and produce its expected results. As the project continues to evolve in the coming months, we will continue to share exciting updates and results with you. So please follow us to be informed!


The RUSTICA project aims to foster the technical validation, demonstration and implementation of bio-based fertiliser and soil improvement production techniques focusing on waste from the fruit and vegetable agro-food system to close nutrient cycles on a regional level. An estimated 70 million tonnes of dry matter of field crop residues could be sustainably harvested for valorization. However, 1.5 million tonnes is lost. The project wants to bridge this gap between the nutrient losses in the form of agricultural residues and the nutrient imports in Europe by integrating and demonstrating 6 complementary technologies with high nutrient recovery potential to treat residues from the fruit and vegetable sector. For future information, please visit very soon.

About IDConsortium

IDConsortium is a consultancy firm founded in Seville, Spain, in 2009 with the aim of helping researchers and businesses to internationalise and showcase their R&D by joining international consortiums to pursue different lines of research, development, and innovation. The firm is an offshoot of IDAction S.L., a company with a wide range of experience in managing R&D, innovation, and investment projects. We help promote clusters and sectorial organizations reach their potential at a national and international level. With our experience and involvement in various international innovation projects, we provide strategic advice in the following areas: Industrial Biotechnology, Advanced production systems in Agriculture, Livestock and Aquaculture based on Industry 4.0., and Innovative systems while promoting an active, healthy, and sustainable aging. Visit for more information.



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