Visiting researcher Erika De Keyser collaborates with Alliance Bioversity & CIAT on fertiliser economics research

Guillermo Peña Chipatecua and his team at the Alliance Bioversity & CIAT extend a warm welcome to visiting researcher Erika De Keyser, who is joining them from January to March 2024.

Erika’s visit focuses on advancing her PhD research in fertiliser economics, with a specific focus on the Valle del Cauca region. During her stay at the campus in Palmira, Erika collaborates closely with the Multifunctional Landscapes team and a group of technicians. Together, they conduct comprehensive farmer surveys aimed at understanding the fertiliser preferences of agricultural practitioners in Valle del Cauca.

The data collected through these surveys offers invaluable insights into the needs and preferences of local farmers regarding fertilizers. These findings play a pivotal role in shaping the development of regional business models for bio-based fertilizers, particularly within Work Package 4 of the RUSTICA-project.

Erika’s collaboration with the Alliance Bioversity & CIAT underscores the importance of interdisciplinary partnerships in addressing key challenges in agriculture, paving the way for sustainable and innovative solutions in the field of fertilizer economics.

Erika’s stay was funded by the Flemish Research Foundation (FWO).

Visiting researcher Erika De Keyser collaborates with Alliance Bioversity & CIAT on fertiliser economics research
Picture taken during the pilot study
Visiting researcher Erika De Keyser collaborates with Alliance Bioversity & CIAT on fertiliser economics research
The Multifunctional Landscapes Team
Visiting researcher Erika De Keyser collaborates with Alliance Bioversity & CIAT on fertiliser economics research
Picture taken during the pilot study


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