Fifth RUSTICA project meeting 

Picture 1: RUSTICA partners

RUSTICA partners met in Amsterdam during the days 15 and 16 of November 2022.  

Liesbet Vranken, Tessa Avermaete and Margo Heremans (KULeuven), coordinators of the project, welcomed the participants and presented the objectives of the meeting.  

During the meeting the status of the work packages in relation to the different thematic areas of the project (1) Stakeholder involvement activities, (2) RUSTICA market and business Development activities and (3) Technology Development activities) were reviewed.

Furthermore, the activities to be planned for the next year were discussed. 2023 will be a challenging and exciting year for RUSTICA project.  The Global Stakeholder meeting in Valle del Cauca, Colombia will be held in April 2023. The cross- visits for regional stakeholders to each of the RUSTICA regions will be launched in Spring 2023 and RUSTICA technological exhibition in Pays de la Loire will be launched in Autumn 2023.  

During the meeting RUSTICA partners had the nice opportunity to visit laboratories and pilot facilities of our partner “TNO”.  

Picture 2″: Biochar production facilities for RUSTICA project
Picture 3: visit of RUSTICA partners to TNO’s premises


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